Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Road Trip: Leg 2 (to Nantes)

We departed Bayeux after completing some necessary preparations for the day (looking at The Cathedral, finding a French SIM card, and buying a pile of apple- and pear-based booze) , and continued south.

It is wonderful to have a car, and be able to get off the main routes. The bit of country-side south of Bayeux was lovely, all green and lush and filled with wonderful, tiny roads that allowed the Prius to hit 50+ mpg. Though one doesn't cover much ground, the additional time is very well spent, as the vistas from the Autoroute aren't nearly as impressive.

Julianna wanted to see Mont-Saint-Michele, so we took a slight detour west, and though she was disappointed that it is no longer a periodic island (the permanent causeway being built sometime in the 1800s), it is still quite a lovely vista. Since we didn't feel like paying the outrageous fees to park, we just pulled the car to the side of the road, out of the way of all the tour busses whizzing by, and took some pictures.

We are staying with some family friends in Nantes (specifically in Basse Indres, a small suburb to the west). The Le Denmat's have a gorgeous house, in a small private enclave, on the top of a hill, with a beautiful yard, a beautiful view of the Loire River, and a perfect deck from which to enjoy everything.  The families got to know each other through a partial home exchange five years ago, which is a pretty tenuous connection to milk for room and board, but milk it we did.  From the Champagne and tuna rillettes, to the Salade Italiane with a couple of rather lovely wines, and a wonderful homemade chocolate "mousse" for dessert, we were treated royally.  And our room had shutters on the outside, which are greatly under-appreciated, and I for one look forward to installing them on any subsequent houses.

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